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tel. 798 585 298
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tel. 535 914 575
Doradztwo sprzętowe w dniach 25-28.11 nieczynne
Pon - Czw.: 9.00 - 13.00
tel. 732 728 407
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ul. Opoczyńska 24
97-200 Tomaszów Mazowiecki
NIP: PL7732293100
REGON: 101319309
BDO: 000624959
Axxo Fitness Opinie
Axxo International Trade

Axxo Fitness was established in 2011 in Poland. We are a residential and commercial gym equipment importer, focused on cardio and free weights. We are dedicated to supplying you with the best product money can buy. We import directly from factories and sale to end customers in Poland, providing best warranty, spare parts and service. We also sale to retailers and wholesellers within EU.

We offer mid to top range home cardio equipment. We are authorised dealer of Xterra and Spirit Fitness. Axxo branded barbells and plates have a cult following within strength community due to great design and unmatched price / quality. Built according to IPF standards, used in competition and beating records. Weather you are opening a gym or a fitness shop, we will get you the best deal on our core products.

We specialize in Barbells, Plates, Kettlebell, Ellipticals, Treadmills.

We are always looking looking to buy good quality fitness products, directly from factory, full load containers, FOB. We take full responsibility and give best warranty for products sold in Poland. We accept returns, provide spare parts and know how to our EU customers. If you have an outstanding product contact us at

We are not interested in various, cheap accessories, low quality replicas, small volume mixed items, equipping gyms from top to bottom with different variety of product etc.

We also do reviews of fitness products on Youtube, have a cult following on Instagram and sponsor local powerlifting competition.

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